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COVID-19 Caution.

Have you...

  1. Had any travel outside of Florida in the past 14 days?

  2. Had any congestion, cough, sore throat, or fever in the past 72 hours?

  3. Had any contact with any COVID-19 Person Under Investigation or confirmed cases?

If so, then please contact the clinic BEFORE your scheduled appointment.

Welcome Back.

Dear Patients,


We are now welcoming all of our patients back into the office for in-person appointments!  There will be no telehealth visits at this point.

Facemasks are now optional, though we still encourage patients to wear masks for their safety and the safety of our staff. Patients should also bring any medicine bottles for our prescriptions. Thank you for your cooperation.



Dr. Galang's Office


13710 Metropolis Avenue, Suite #110

Fort Myers, Florida 33912

Tel: 239.225.0129

Fax: 239.225.0575



Monday - Friday: 8:30am – 4:00pm    


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